Monday, 9 September 2013

Girl power!

     This week is girl power week and that means issues and problems that girls have! Such as embarrassing stories that involve certain girl things... As well as just normal boy problems that happen day to day, nothing is off limits! 

     I am going to talk about boys in high school. Everyone always has that one boy they have their eye on, and that's just how it is. Just saying hello to them as you pass then in the hallway or sitting across from them in class just to make sure they know you exist. Those are just a few examples of what girls do. Relationships in high school usually are just in high school so I wouldn't spend all your time on them. They definitely add to the experience and are loads of fun so do not take them for-granted because the reason you are in a relationship with them is because you love and care for them. I do not understand relationships where the two people barely know each other and have no emotional connection. At my school I see it happen all the time, and unless you really want to get to know them and see it going somewhere then what's the point? To hold hands in the hallway and be able to say that you are taken?

     Another point i would like to add is that the whole reason you are at school is to learn, and if you focus all your time on him/her then you need to tone it down a bit. School comes first! Maybe you could do school work together so it isnt like being together is taking anything away from you. 

     I am in no right to criticize or give advice to anyone because I am not experienced in this criteria. But the reason I am saying these things is because this is what happens at my school all the time and this is just my take on it, and my observation. So correct me if I am wrong (please do so) and feel free to give us some stories on your high school relationship and how you manage it. But one thing is for certain, love is love, so follow your heart and it will make sure you lead the life you are supposed to!!! 

- Paisley 

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